English blog

English content of the Steve Roy's blog.

Phone Scam - Windows Customer Support and CLSID

For many years now, we've been receiving phone call from a company that name itself Online Windows For Support. For the past few weeks, we've actually received one phone call a week from them and today, was one of those day. Since I'm at home and recovering from a surgery, I actually had time to ask them some questions and investigate further their claims.

A tale of two classrooms....

Just saw this picture on twitter and it inspired me so much I decided to include it on my blog. 


Privacy questions on connected learning with students

Well, great session from Alec on Connected Learning. It brings a big question in my mind about privacy issue, that I've had for a while.

Presentation & #ETMOOC orientation

Bonjour à tous,

First english post on my english blog...

So finally, I found a way to publish english content on my blog, separate from the french section. I'm gonna use it for the #ETMOOC (Educationnal technology Massive Open Online Course) that I will do this winter.

I love Drupal, but it's quite complex and it takes time to learn new stuff. But I figured it out, using content type and taxiconomy.

Look forward to use this part of my site to connect and share with my english collegues of the world!


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